Friday, October 21, 2011

Psalm 37:23-24

Psalm 37:23-24
"The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong because the Lord is the one who holds his hand."

This is one of those verses that I love! God is with me all the time, in good times and in tough times. As I walk with God and delight in Him, staying in fellowship with Him, He will direct or order my steps. Of course, I am still going to blow it at times, which is just part of the journey. How encouraging to know that I will not be "hurled headlong", that I will not be completely overtaken by trials and failures because my God is right there with me holding my hand.

If I desire God's direction then I must stay in fellowship with Him, reading His word every single day and talking to Him throughout the day. As I make the effort to stay in communion with Him, then I am assured His direction and will sense His presence.

Prayer Requests:
1. I woke up with a pretty scratchy sore throat and a stuffy nose. Pray that this doesn't get worse. I have asked God throughout the study to allow me to be well every Sunday so I can teach the week's lesson.
2. Pray that Sunday night's lesson will come together. By Friday I am usually finished with the lesson with my copies run off, ready to go. I am not even half way through. I just keep reading the chapter not exactly sure what direction to go.

Thank you for the prayers.

Until next time...

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