I wanted to at least show a few pictures from our Christmas morning. We had a great time together. I still can hardly believe that it has already come and gone.
I woke up about an hour before either girl and it was all I could do not to wake them up. Of course, Gene warned me not to because he didn't share my enthusiasm for getting up so early...so I didn't. I let Reagan wake up on her own, which was around 7:00. We got Gracen up right after that.
Reagan was so excited and practically ran into the den and she hollered out, "He came!" when she saw her gifts and the stockings. I guess she thought maybe there was a slight chance that Santa wouldn't come. She went to the plate of cookies and the carrrots to make sure that they were gone. She was really pleased that Santa ate her cookies. She bubbled with excitement, while Gracen just looked confused at the mess laying around. She got into it pretty quickly though.
Their stockings
Gracen sitting with her stuff
Gracen checking out Reagan's stuff
Opening the first gift....with some of Santa's loot in the background
Gracen opening one of her gifts. She shocked me opening gifts. She took her time and slowly unwrapped each gift. Reagan totally lost interest when she was Gracen's age.
We ate breakfast together and munched throughout the day. We watched a few Christmas movies, while we put toys together and played with them, and just had a lazy day at home.
We headed to my mom and dad's house around 3:30 for Christmas at their house. I'll post a short entry about that next time.
Until then...
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