Anyway, yesterday I found a few more interesting thoughts that I thought I would share.
James 3:7-12 talks about the fact that every single animal in the wild can be tamed but the tongue can not be tamed. It is a restless evil, full of poison, just like a venomous snake. From the same mouth I can bless my Father in heaven and then turn around and curse my fellow man. Yes, are so right. These things should not be. My speech, which flows from my heart should be consistently good, just as a fig tree will only produce figs or a fresh water source will not produce salt water.
I guess I honestly don't ever think of my tongue as being a "restless" evil. I mean who thinks that kind of thought on a daily basis. But, yet I know it is. I know in a moment's notice, I can go from happy and carefree to spewing venom just as a poisonous snake would. It would be easy to read vs. 8 that says "the tongue can never be tamed" and shut the Bible, thinking that that gives me permission to not even try. Unfortunately, I don't think that is my free card to use sarcasm whenever I would like.
I have to invite the Holy Spirit into my daily journey every single day through prayer. Two great verses to pray are Psalm 141:3 and Psalm 19:14.
Psalm 141:3 says "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."
Psalm 19:14 says "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."
I have read these verses before, but they spoke to me more than ever after studying the tongue for an entire week. These verses need to be on my refrigerator so I will see them throughout the day. I need to be reminded often. Blame it on my crazy female hormones!
One of my commentaries said that all speech....ALL SPEECH...should pass a threefold test: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Oh goodness...
The more I study God's Word the more I see how far I have to go!
And this little beauty has nothing to do with my James study. I just love this little face and couldn't resist sharing these photos from our little playground session on Wednesday. We enjoyed some "Mommy and Gracen" time while Reagan was in school.
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