Saturday, November 20, 2010

Reagan's Thanksgiving Program

Again, I apologize for the blog break. It is never intentional. For some reason, I find myself busier and busier with each passing week. Here lately, I laugh at the term stay-at-home-mom and long for a string of days where I can actually stay at home. I think that week is finally here.

Thanksgiving break has begun and I have nothing to do all week...except be with family, which is a good thing. Reagan is out of school all week and Gene is off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Monday morning, I do have a haircut and color appointment at 9:30, but I do not mind going to be pampered a little bit. On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we will be going to my mom and dad's house for lunch and then to Gene's mom and dad's house for supper. On Saturday night, Gene's mom asked to have the girls. She said we needed some time away, so we are going out to eat and then we will do some Christmas shopping. (We aren't exactly sure what got into her, but you don't have to ask us twice.) But, that is IT for the entire week. We are going to sleep late and be lazy. I am sooo looking forward to NOT having anywhere to be at 8:00 in the morning. Reagan is looking forward to the break from school too.

On Friday, Reagan had her Thanksgiving Program. It was outside at a local farm, followed by a "Farm Day" field trip. I took lots of great pictures and I accidentally deleted ALL of them when I got home because I hit the wrong button when I was uploading them. I just about died. Thankfully, Reagan has two great friends from church in her preschool class who took lots of pictures with Reagan in them. Thank you very much Cassandra Hicks and Megan Crosby.

Here is the class on their "stage" singing their little songs. All the kids were precious! Reagan is the second from the right.

In this picture, Reagan is in the middle of the group.

Here Reagan is right in the middle. Aren't all the kiddos cute?

And here are a few activities from "Farm Day"....face painting

The petting zoo...
Reagan with best friend Drew Hicks.

Here is a picture of Drew and Katelyn Crosby, another one of Reagan's best friends. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of Reagan and Katelyn together.

The inflatable...

The parachute... Cassandra and I are standing in the back comparing pictures..... this was before I lost all of mine.
Song time... Mrs. Vicky is singing "Itty Bitty Box"...where she kisses each child as part of the chorus. Reagan loved this. Actually all of them loved this.

And here is Mrs. Vicky with the whole class. Reagan is kneeling, third from the right.

We really had a fun day. Gene and I took Reagan and left Gracen with Gene's mom. It was nice to just hang out with one child and give her our full attention. The weather was beautiful....sunny and 70 degrees. We closed the day with a picnic lunch with friends. It was a perfect day.
Until next time...

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