I did get everything cleaned that needed cleaning and managed to get myself ready and the girls ready....I assure you, that was no small feat. Then, before the college students arrived, we decided to rearrange the den furniture. Here is the new arrangement.
Here are some shots of the college students just hanging out at our house. We love them. They have been with us in our ministry for the five years that we have been at East Memorial. They honestly feel like family to us and my kids love them as much as we do....as you will notice in the pictures.
Gracen just kept climbing all over Josh on the bean bag. It was pretty funny.
Here is Gene with the remote...as usual...and Gracen is still crawling all around.
In the above shot, Reagan is cuddled up in the chair with Madeline Faulk. She loved her time with Miss Madeline.
Gene...coffee and the remote. This makes him happy.
Here is Clay and Anslee playing with Gracen.
A close-up of Madeline and Reagan...with Sara off to the left. She is sporting her green headband and wristband...getting ready for youth camp. She will be leading the green team in recreation.
The girls hanging out with Ashlyn, Adam and Nick.
We had a fun night.
On Saturday, Gene did some yard work and I cleaned up the mess from Friday night. Then I just played with the girls most of the day since I didn't really play with them at all on Friday. Gene and I had a date night planned. We were going to Longhorn for dinner and then we were going to do a little shopping in honor of Gene's birthday which is tomorrow. We had a babysitter lined up and we were pretty excited. Around 4:00, I noticed that Gracen was really hot. I took her temp. and she had a fever of 102. Date night was immediately cancelled. I called Gracen's pediatrician's office and didn't actually get to speak with her doctor until around 5:00. Because of her history with kidney infections, he wanted me to collect a urine sample and meet him at the office at 6:30 p.m. Of course, Gracen missed her little bag two times, so we didn't actually get a sample to take the doctor until around 7:30. With our drive into Montgomery, we met him at the office at 8:00. He told me on the phone that if it was a real "dirty" sample, the infection could already be in her kidneys and we might be hospitalized for her to receive antibiotics by IV....gulp. I packed my suitcase and started praying.
Thankfully, the culture didn't look that bad to him. She did have a UTI and he sent us home with an antibiotic. He sent off the urine sample for a more accurate test and told us that those results would be back Monday. Those results could still land her in the hospital. More prayers went up.
On Sunday, she still had fever and was incredibly fussy. She also broke out in a rash from head to toe. The doctor said that it could be a reaction to the antibiotic and another one could be given or some children break out into a rash when their fever breaks. This had never happened to her before with the numerous other fevers that she has had...but OK. Needless to say, I stayed home from church. Boo!
The test results came back good. The doctor called it a mild irritation....no infection in the kidneys. I thought that was great news. He told me not to worry if she does get a UTI because the preventative antibiotic she is on is NOT foolproof, just like taking cranberry everyday is not foolproof, but it certainly helps. We are still in prayer for her because any infection could take a turn. I am suppose to monitor her fever and behavior for the next several days.
On a positive note, Gene was suppose to go out of town on Sunday and return home on Friday, but because of Gracen's "unknown" condition, he did not go. I know he often has to travel and I am fine with that, but I would much rather him come home every night.
Well that is about it!
Until next time...
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