Let me just say, I am not a nature girl. I didn't exactly dress for fishing and became a little annoyed when I got mud on my new Yellow Box flip flops. Note to self...."Wear old clothes and tennis shoes on next year's fishing trip." Gene had to work, so I was a little concerned about carrying everything from the car to the pond, which was a good little hike, and baiting Reagan's little hook with crickets or worms. Reagan and I split the load, and thankfully, we used hot dog pieces for bait. Who knew catfish loved hot dog wieners. I guess you learn something new everyday.
It took me forever to learn how to correctly cast that line far out into the water, not right in front of us at the water's edge, and then it took me awhile to teach Reagan to do the same thing. Fishing is not quite as easy as it looks. I had other problems too, like how to untangle your line from a branch when you throw it into a tree. But, clearly that is another story, one that I am sure you are not interested in.
Here is my precious little nature girl, in a cute little skirt that is equally not fishing attire, patiently waiting on her fish. She kept bending forward on her knees (like in the pic) and sighing deeply. She would look at me and ask, "Where is that fish, Momma?" After about 30 minutes or more, I was beginning to wonder the same thing.
Well, I was hoping that Reagan would at least catch one little fish. I knew that would make her day. I was so thankful when Isaw that little bobber (spelling?) start to move up and down. I knew we were getting a bite. I was shocked when the bobber completely disappeared and Reagan started to cry out that she needed help with her pole. Brandi Cleveland, the preschool director, came walking by about that time and reached over and started pulling on Reagan's line. Low and behold, Reagan caught a catfish that was at least a foot long, maybe longer. I screamed when that thing came out of the water. So did Reagan. We didn't quite no what to do with it. And even though, Reagan didn't really want to touch it, she was beaming with pride.
Reagan and I had a great time together. It has been a long time since we have been able to do something alone. Gracen has required a lot of my time and attention over the last year. I know that has been hard on her and she seemed to really enjoy being with me and filled my ears full of conversation.
On Friday night, I took the girls to my mom's house to spend the night. Gene was away Friday through Sunday and I didn't want to be alone all weekend. Mom cooked a delicious baked spaghetti dish and we had a great time visiting with each other and watching the girls play.
On Saturday, we took them to the zoo to enjoy the beautiful weather. Gracen loves being outside and would ride in her stroller all day long if I wanted her to, and Reagan loves everything about the zoo. She loves the animals, the train, the playground, the gift shop (which we didn't visit), and the picnic lunch we always have. I had a great time and was so thankful to have my mom's company. She filled my lonely weekend. It is so good when your mom is also your friend. I love you Mom!
After the zoo, we went to Sonic for frozen treats. What could be better?
I headed home Saturday afternoon, and spent a little time outdoors with the girls. Reagan recently got a new John Deere tractor, and she absolutely loves that thing. Her little cousin Jacob has one and now they can ride together. Here are a few shots of the tractor.
Gracen wanted to sit on it too. Reagan was a little annoyed by her baby sister sitting on her brand new tractor, but I figured there was a life lesson in the waiting, and so I let Gracen longer than I would have if Reagan had not fussed at all.
Saturday evening was a whirlwind of activity as I feed the girls supper, bathed both of them, and laid out clothes and packed bags for Sunday morning. But, praise the Lord, I had both girls in the bed and asleep by 7:15 and had about three hours of "me" time. It was heavenly! I actually got to paint my nails and toenails, which is no small accomplishment when you have two little ones at home. I think the zoo wore us out because we all slept like rocks. I had to wake both girls up around 7:00 Sunday morning to get them moving for church.
Gene met us at church and of course, I was thrilled to see him. We had great services morning and night, with a long afternoon of family time in between.
A perfect day!
Actually, a pretty perfect weekend!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! The pretty weather sure does help!