Friday, April 1, 2011

A Memory Verse and A New Bible Sudy

Today is the first of the month which means it is time for me to pick a new memory verse. If you'll remember, I am doing the memory verse challenge with Beth Moore, picking a verse to memorize on the 1st and the 15th of each month. I am enjoying this process, but I am afraid that the verses are in my short term memory. I can remember bits and pieces of the first couple of verses, but honestly, the most recent verses are the easiest to recite. I need to work on this. Before I tell you my verse, let me tell you how I picked this particular one. It is actually been a challenge to pick one to read over and over again for two weeks solid. Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about the power of God's Word and how it completely transforms lives. I love reading my Bible. I love learning about God. I rise early each morning because I want to study about Him. I don't do it because I have to, but rather because I honestly want to. There comes a point though where I have to ask myself..."Am I just studying God's Word for knowledge or am I truly being transformed?" I would like to think I am being transformed and I know in many ways I am. Yes, I am. I am growing. I am maturing in the Lord. I am a better person because of His transforming power. But yet, there are some areas that just don't seem to change. I still worry. I still deal with fear. I still doubt in some areas. I still compare myself to others. I still feel ordinary. I still feel unworthy. That is not the destiny that God has for me. I was made for more. So how do I get from here to there? I hope to find out. I am starting a new Bible study that deals with all the different questions and insecurities that women deal with on a daily basis. It basically takes every question, 12 questions in all, and answers that question based on the CHARACTER OF GOD. The answer to every question I have or issue I struggle with is really about who God is, NOT who I am. The study is a call to know God more intimately by digging into the characteristics that define Him. I am excited to dig in and learn how to apply His Word to these issues that seem to always remain. The study is Do You Know Who I Am?...and Other Brave Questions Women Ask by Angela Thomas. As soon as I saw it advertised about 2 months ago, I knew I would do it as soon as I finished my James book study, which was awesome by the way. I pray that I am different when I complete it. I pray that I can honestly say at the end of the study that I know HIM more intimately than I ever have before. I pray that His Word transforms each problem area of my life as I lay it on the altar before Him. My verse...Psalm 107:19-20 "Then they cried out to the Lord in their TROUBLE; He saved them out of their DISTRESSES. He sent forth HIS WORD and HEALED them, and DELIVERED them from their DESTRUCTIONS." It is a powerful verse isn't it? Yes, I have trouble and distresses. God has the answer for every one of them and will send forth His Word to heal and deliver me as I learn to apply His Word to my life. Say a prayer for me because I will need it! Until next time...

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