Thursday, October 6, 2011

Deuteronomy 20:4

Deuteronomy 20:4
"For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."

What a simple verse this morning but a powerful reminder of the fact that our God is always present. He is with us. He is actively fighting for us. He will save us.

For the purpose of my Bible study, this verse speaks of spiritual warfare. We have a real enemy. The enemy of our soul is Satan and there is a constant battle raging, whether we believe that or not. Our biggest battlefield is in our own mind. Satan is constantly fighting against us with lies that sound just like truth to us. He is the father of lies so this is an activity that he has perfected. The lies include thoughts of self-doubt, low self-esteem, fear, discontentment, negativity, depression, worthlessness, lack of confidence, etc. As believers, we have to learn to refute Satan's lies with the truth of God's Word. This means that we have to be in God's Word...reading it, meditating on particular verses that speak to our issues, and memorizing the truth so it is in our heads and down in our hearts. This is the only way to replace the lies with truth. When we actively do this, we invite God into our battles. As the verse says, "God goes with you...He will fight against your enemy....He will save you."

And as our pastor says...that verse will preach!!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday. I am on a cleaning fit at my house. It is currently 9:15a.m. and I have already completed 2 loads of laundry, cleaned all our hardwood floors, picked up a ridiculous amount of clutter, made beds, made breakfast for 4 different people which equally 3 different meals, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned my bathroom, I am about tackle cleaning out summer clothes, making way for the fall clothing.

Next week, I will have pictures to share. We will be going to the fair, the park, and the zoo over the next couple of days. I just love enjoying the nice fall weather outside!!! Fall is my favorite season.

Until next time...

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